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Books Reviewed

The number of works published to do with China is increasing every day, with new titles adding to the huge pool of existing scholarship on all aspects of modern sinology.  However, rather than specifically focusing on new releases, Sino-Gist regularly carries short pieces on some of the best China-related titles published since 1960.  Click on the title of a particular book to read its review:

Books by author:

M.A. Gates and E.B. Geelhoed, 'The Dragon and the Snake', University of Pennsylvania Press, 1986
J.W. Lewis (ed.), 'Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China', CUP, 1970
S. Leys: 'Chinese Shadows', Viking, 1977
S.A. Smith, 'Revolution and the People in Russia and China', CUP, 2008

Books in order reviewed:

S.A. Smith, 'Revolution and the People in Russia and China', CUP, 2008- 2nd October 2010 
M.A. Gates and E.B. Geelhoed, 'The Dragon and the Snake', University of Pennsylvania Press, 1986- 1st October 2010
J.W. Lewis (ed.), 'Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China', CUP, 1970 - 22nd September 2010
S. Leys, 'Chinese Shadows', Viking, 1977 - 2nd September 2010  

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